Implementation of a group of pregnant adolescents: reports of information, education and communication for the health promotion.
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How to Cite

Queiroz, L. S. de, Cerqueira, C. O. de, & Mendonça, A. V. M. (2015). Implementation of a group of pregnant adolescents: reports of information, education and communication for the health promotion. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 9(1), Pág. 145–153.


This experience report aims to present the strategies adopted for the implementation of a group of pregnant adolescents at the Health Center No. 2 Itapoã. It is an initiative carried out under the Tutorial Education Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the shaft information, education and communication between the years 2009 to 2011. Weekly meetings of rapprochement with the pregnant adolescents were performed and these in conversation circles, made possible the approach to the topic of interest of young people. The health communication strategies had an accessible language, where information and experience exchanges had space to build and observed. In addition, the activities followed the principles related to health promotion. The experience enabled a practice based on the reality of young members of the group, from the developed communication with them, identifying their needs, procedures or situations that they wanted to know, promoting the relationship with other pregnant teens, with a multidisciplinary team and family promoting health education, exchange of experiences and revisiting behaviors.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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